Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Today was an earthquake with an intensity of 7.6° (maximum is 9°) . Probably many have heard of it over the news because it was so strong. Gladly me didn't happen anything. There were only damages in buildings and streets but no one got insured.
The ticos (costaricens) are already used to earthquakes. They occur everyday but normally they are so weak that you can't feel them. For me it was the first time I felt one and it was a bit of a shock. It's not a very pleasant feeling if EVERYTHING around you is moving. Also it's extremely noisy, like a very deep growling.

At uni a have a course about geography of Costa Rica and last week we talked exactly about this. Central America is (with Japan) the tectonically most active zone in the world. Five tectonic plates meet here and there is movement and vulcanism all year round. It's always good to experience the theory in practice =)

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