Monday, September 3, 2012

Parque nacional Caraca

On the next day we continued to the next national park a bit further up the pacific coast. Here the main trail was closed because of the flooding in the rainy season... and the crocodiles.
The only possibility to enter was with a guided tour. We decided to take this adventurous option. We all received gumboots and off we went!!

This was a lot more adventurous than many of the other national parks! There were only very small trails and from time to time we had to wade through water up to our knee. We hoped a lot that the guide new what he was doing... but he assured us he knew this forest very well because he had 10 years of experience as a guide and 10 years more of illegal hunting in this park before he became a guide...

At leased he spotted many wild animals for us.

 We even found some poisonous frogs!

While we were walking it started to rain like crazy and when we reached the exit we were soaked but happy!

To do us a special favor the guide took us in his car to a bridge over a river near the park. From the bridge we saw huge crocodiles with more than 5 meters. It's one of their favorite places to relax.

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