Saturday, October 27, 2012

Guatuso - Maleku indígenas

Today I had another excursion with one of my courses from uni. We went to the reserva indígena Guatuso to get to know the tribe of the Maleku Indígenas. It's the smallest of the eight tribes that live today in Costa Rica. They have to fight a lot for there land and to keep there traditions alive. The fact that 99% of the tribe are catholics or protestants and only 1% still practice there original nature religion shows how big the influence of no-indígenas here is.

They are known for the arts and crafts that they produce and sell. 

For us they made a little presentation of one of there original rituals with typical musical instruments and clothes. Compared with the other excursion to the Bribri Indígenas  (that I did before) this one was a lot more touristic. However the people very really nice and were happy about all the questions we had. The more interest there is for their culture the easier it is for them to conserve it.

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