Friday, November 23, 2012

San José

By now I already live five months in San José and still haven't written anything about it on this blog, so I think it's time to change that.
San José is the capital of Costa Rica. With 340,000 habitats it's the biggest city in the country. It's located in the Central Valley between two mountain chains at 1,170 m above sea level. Every guidebook will tell you that the city is not very beautiful and in parts I must agree with that... You have to search a bit to find the nice places =)

The national theater is one of these nice places:

Especially in the higher class neighbourhoods the houses appear a bit like jails. All the houses are surrounded by high fences and barbed wire (Stacheldraht). Also all the windows are barred. These houses are still fairly "unsafe":

Above the streets swing tones of electricity cables, but if you look behind them the view can be really
stunning! San José is surrounded by beautiful mountains.

The streets are a bit adventurous and the strongest has all the rights... so as a pedestrian (Fußgänger) better watch out and double check before crossing the street ;-)  Oh but don't trust the direction indicators (Blinker), because they are forgotten regularly. The drivers here communicate by beeping the horn. After a while I got used to all of this and started enjoying the chaos with fruit stands on every corner and a mixture of big, new 4x4 wheel drives and rusted, old jalopies (Klapperkisten).
On the streets of San José you can see easily that Costa Rica is a developing country with some parts already very developed and others still very little developed. On the one hand the price level is nearly as high as in Europe, they have a very good health care and educational system, but on the other hand the salaries are very low and poverty is still a very big problem.

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