Thursday, December 13, 2012

Isla Ometepe in Nicaragua

From Granada we took a ferry four hours over the Lake of Nicaragua to reach the little island called Isla Ometepe. This island only consisted of two volcanoes, one active and they other one with a big lagoon in the crater.

When we got to the island it was already dark, so we took a taxi to the Finca Magdalena. In our guidebook it was described as an idyllic coffee farm at the foot of the volcano Maderas that we wanted to climb the next day. Also the guidebook said that it was very cheap and popular with volunteers.
Only thing it didn't mention were the millions of rats that shared the house with us... We could hear them all night long and they even bit there way into two of our backpacks to find the chocolate advent calenders. Before the rats could do more harm we had to eat all the chocolates in the middle of the night =)
By day light the farm looked really nice!

The next morning we headed of early to climb the volcano Madera. This was a real adventure! The path was only 5 km each way but more than 1 km of difference in altitude. There was no real path and we climbed more than we walked. The first half it was very hot and we were sweating like crazy. Then it got cooler but also wetter and muddier.

Now we understood why it wasn't allowed to walk this track without a guide.
But the forest in the fog looked absolutely stunning!

We were already exhausted when we reached the lagoon and saw... nothing! It was so cloudy we did hardly see anything of the lagoon. We tried not to think of the 5 km down hill that were still to come...

This was before I unintentionally laid myself down in the mud completely...


After 8 hours of walking and slipping through the mud we all were absolutely exhausted,  injured and looked like pigs. The only thing that made worth all this effort was the stunningly beautiful nature we walked through. This was definitively a trip that we all will never forget.

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