Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Granada in Nicaragua

Our next destination was the city of Granada in north-west of the Lago de Nicaragua, the biggest lake in Central America. Like León it's and old colonial city. On the way there we took a minibus - one of those for 14 persons... we were 18 persons plus luggage and the driver tried to convince two more persons to "hop" on the bus.

Four years ago I participated with a group of scouts in the "72-Stunden-Aktion" (=72-hour-project). It's a yearly project in the whole of Germany where each participating group gets a social task to fulfill in exactly 72 hours. In my group we had the task to promote a social project in Nicaragua named "La Esperanza Granada". They build and run schools in the poorer villages around Granada. We collected money and school materials for them, held an information desk in the city center and even built them a homepage in different languages in these 72 hours. Of course now I seized the chance to visit the project. Sadly I got there before they opened that day... but anyway I was there and now I can be sure that this great project is still running and helping the children in the area.

 We climbed the tower of this old church and enjoyed the view over the whole city from there.

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