Monday, December 10, 2012

León in Nicaragua

Now the semester is completely over and I have finally time to travel a bit :-)
We (a group of seven exchange students) decided to spent a week in Nicaragua. We had to leave Costa Rica anyway to renew our visa and everyone was telling us how beautiful Nicaragua was. The bus dropped us  right at the border and we crossed it on foot. Already at the border it was obvious that Costa Rica is more developed. While the emigration process was very organized and fast, the immigration was a lot more chaotic and needed a lot more of time. Luckily the German passport was a gift. We traveled with a Mexican and he had to make an extra copy of his passport and was asked a lot more questions than the rest of us.

Behind the border we caught on of the "chicken buses". It was full up to the roof and beyond with people and luggage. At every bus stop heaps of people entered the bus to sell food, drinks, medicines, jolery or what ever you wish for. I just loved it! This was loud, smelly and seem to take ages, but it was a lot more like what I had imagened all of Latinamerica would be like.

Our first destination was the city León. It's and old colonial city with very colorful houses and a lot a beatiful, old arquitecture. Life is a lot more basic here, however the people seem very happy, open and friendly.

The next day in the afternoon we started a sunset tour to the volcano Momotombo. On the way up we had a fantastic view on the landscape of the region. We could see until El Salvador. When we reached the crater it was already dark.We walked right up to the edge of the crater where the toxic gasas came out in big clouds.Luckily the wind didn't change direction. 150 m underneath us we saw the liquid lava floating. It was incredible! I never thought that you could watch something like that. Nonetheless I was glad when we were back at the car with our torches.

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